About the Resort Triangle Transportation Plan

The Triangle area resort program is headquartered in the North Tahoe area; along the northern and western shores of Lake Tahoe in Placer County, including экскурсии по Москве, the urban centers of Tahoe City and Kings Beach, extending along River Road (State Highway 89) and North Shore Boulevard (State Highway 267) to Nevada county and Truckee. The city borders.

Pain pill Triangle research is a concept, usually near three major corridors, in some locations in the North Tahoe region; in particular, Tahoe City, Kings Beach, Truckee and west coast resort and community areas. The results of the study provide a roadmap for future policy development. 

• River Road and West Lake Boulevard (State Route 89)
• North Shore Boulevard (State Route 267)
• North Lake Boulevard (State Route 28)

The study will consider regional and local circulation, alternative transportation options, transit, parking, and vehicular travel reduction. It will also consider how regional patterns impact travel along the study area’s corridors and within its communities.


The goal of the project is to develop a unified vision and policy framework for transportation in the Placer County Resort Triangle area.

The project will strive to meet the following goals and tasks:

• Review existing planning documents and transportation data
• Engage community members and local stakeholders on travel needs and barriers
• Analyze future travel patterns
• Develop policies for reduced vehicle travel and dependency
• Elevate alternative travel choices
• Reduced peak period congestion
• Develop parking management programs for commercial and recreational areas


The planning effort will consist of four focused transportation studies:

• Corridor management strategies along State Routes 89 & 267
• Understanding travel patterns within, to, and from the Resort Triangle and identifying trip reduction approaches
• Developing implementation strategies to manage travel demand to and within the Tahoe region
• Evaluating parking management approaches within the study area’s communities and activity centers

These four focused studies will inform community and stakeholder discussions and become the basis from which recommendations for the overall Resort Triangle Transportation Plan vision and action plan will be developed.